
  • Helmy Nuky Nugroho Universitas Negeri Semarang



Kode Etik DPRD



According to article 154, paragraph 2 of the ACT 23, 2014 the implementation of the duties and authority of parliaments is set in the code of conduct. Member of House of Representatives of District / city perform other duties according to the regulation  including the code of ethics. They exercise the rights and obligations under the code of conduct. This article will analyze the role of the Honor Code Agency in the enforcement of violations committed by the council members. The factors restricting the performance of Honor Code Agency in Pemalang. The strategy to improve the Agency performance. This article is a  juridical sociological research which uses  a qualitative approach. Sources of research data is primary and secondary data. The techniques used are interviews, observation, and literature studies. The results showed that in carrying out the duties and authority of the Honor Agency of legislative body has an active and passive function. The active function is to evaluate each member of the Board in the meeting, to supervise legal product that is produced, reviewing the intensity of the meeting by members of Parliament. The passive function is to evaluate and process complaints, ethical issues or crime committed by members of Parliament. Factors that affect the performance is a code of ethics that has not been established, litigation procedures conflicts, the procedural issues of complaint, low cooperation of complaint, and the nature of solidarity among members of parliament. Board performance improvement strategy is based on the establishment of a code of ethics and litigation privilege Agency, meeting attendance evaluation, public courtroom, optimization of existing facilities in the working paper of Parliament. Board member attendance strategy evaluation is based on the evaluation of the Agency's internal honor, value filtering, the policy statement of honor Agency, penalties or rehabilitation.


Sesuai Pasal 154 ayat 2 UU 23 Tahun 2014 tata cara pelaksanaan Tugas dan wewenang DPRD diatur dalam tata tertib. Anggota DPRD Kabupaten/kota melaksanakan wewenang dan tugas lain sesuai peraturan perundang-undangan termasuk tentang kode etik. Alat kelengkapan DPRD dalam melaksanakan hak dan kewajiban berdasarkan Tata Tertib. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penulisan jurnal ini adalah: peranan Badan Kehormatan DPRD dalam penegakkan pelanggaran kode etik yang dilakukan anggota dewan. Faktor Penghambat Kinerja Badan Kehormatan DPRD Kabupaten Pemalang. Strategi peningkatan kinerja badan kehormatan DPRD. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian yuridis sosiologis. Sumber data penelitian adalah data primer dan sekunder. Teknik pengambilan data: wawancara, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam melaksanakan tugas dan wewenangnya Badan Kehormatan DPRD memiliki fungsi aktif dan fungsi pasif. Fungsi aktif yaitu evaluasi setiap anggota dewan dalam rapat, mengawasi produk hukum yang dihasilkan DPRD, meninjau intensitas rapat yang dilakukan anggota DPRD. Fungsi pasif Badan Kehormatan yaitu mengevaluasi dan memproses aduan  yang masuk, aduan dalam hal ini tentang permasalahan etik atau pidana yang dilakukan anggota DPRD. Faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja Badan Kehormatan perekrutan anggota Badan Kehormatan, belum mengatur kode etik, terbenturnya tata beracara Badan Kehormatan, masalah prosedural pengaduan yang rumit, pengadu kurang bekerjasama, sifat solidaritas antar anggota DPRD. strategi peningkatan kinerja Badan kehormatan terealisasi : berdasarkan pembentukan kode etik dan tata beracara Badan Kehormatan, evaluasi kehadiran rapat, public hearing, optimalisasi sarana prasaran yang ada di DPRD. Strategi evaluasi kehadiran anggota dewan : evaluasi internal badan kehormatan, penyaringan nilai, pemanggilan anggota dewan, pernyataan anggota dewan, kebijakan badan kehormatan, pemberian sanksi atau rehabilitasi.




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